===== Collecting Reinforced Oak Bows ===== ^ Requirements | {{ :money:collecting_reinforced_oak_bows.png?370x333 |}} | ^ Skills |:::| | None |:::| ^ Items |:::| | None |:::| ^ Quest |:::| | (optional) [[quest:peering_beyond_the_curtain|Peering beyond the curtain]] for access to [[store:silverhair_bows|Silverhair Bows]] for best profit |:::| ^ Other |:::| | None |:::| ^ Results ^^ ^ Profit ^ Experience Gained ^ | {{:item:131.png?20|}} 2160 | None | ^ Inputs ({{:item:131.png?20|}} 0) ^ Outputs ({{:item:131.png?20|}} 2160) ^ | None | 1 × {{:item:749.png?20|}} [[item:reinforced_oak_bow|Reinforced Oak Bow]] (2160) | Inside of the [[area:golemwoods|Golemwoods]], north of [[area:haywind|Haywind]] there is a small house containing a [[item:reinforced_oak_bow|Reinforced Oak Bow]] spawn that has a **1 hour** respawn timer. The bow can be sold at either [[store:silverhair_bows|Silverhair Bows]] for maximum profit (requires [[quest:peering_beyond_the_curtain|Peering beyond the curtain]] for access to [[area:thornhill|Thornhill]]) or [[store:harshwind_hunting|Harshwind Hunting]] for only **75%** of the usual profit. {{url>https://cursebreaker-map.online/wiki.html?custom=843,393#-1/843/393 400,300}}