=======Firestick Mixture=======
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^ Firestick Mixture ^^
| {{:item:996.webp|Firestick Mixture}} ||
| ID|996 |
| Comment|Q96 |
| Level|12 |
| Price|250 |
| General Store Sell Price|75 |
| Max Stack|5 |
| On Use|[[ability:flammable_oil|Flammable Oil]] |
A highly flammable oil that ignites once shattered. Not to be digested!Use to throw it at an enemy, inflicts damage based on Alchemy level.
Received when interacting with [[npc:brienna_the_wise_woman|Brienna the Wise Woman]]((Requires phase 2 of [[quest:battle_of_the_shearston_estate|Battle of the Shearston Estate]])).
^ [[workbench:alchemist_workbench|Alchemist Workbench]] ^^^
^ Requirements ^^^
|Skill||[[skill:alchemy|{{skill:alchemy.png?20}}]] 12|
^ Materials ^^^
|[[item:empty_vial|{{ item:small:171.webp |Empty Vial}}]]|[[item:empty_vial|Empty Vial]]|1|
|[[item:firestick_plant|{{ item:small:997.webp |Firestick Plant}}]]|[[item:firestick_plant|Firestick Plant]]|2|
|[[item:mushroom|{{ item:small:210.webp |Mushroom}}]]|[[item:mushroom|Mushroom]]|1|
^ Results ^|1|
^ XP ^|474|
=====Loot Drops=====
^ NPC ^ Level ^ Amount ^ Drop Rate ^
|[[npc:woodland_bushwhacker|Woodland Bushwhacker]]|10|1-3|1/7|
|[[npc:vicious_bushwhacker|Vicious Bushwhacker]]|12|1-3|1/5|