=======Poison Immunity Potion=======
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^ Poison Immunity Potion ^^
| {{:item:1283.webp|Poison Immunity Potion}} ||
| ID|1283 |
| Level|40 |
| Price|905 |
| General Store Sell Price|271 |
| Crafting Skill|[[skill:alchemy|{{skill:alchemy.png?20}}]] [[skill:alchemy|Alchemy]] |
| On Use|Drink Potion |
Suddenly that snake bite is just a friendly nibble. While the effect of the potion lasts, you're immune to poisoning.
^ [[workbench:alchemist_workbench|Alchemist Workbench]] ^^^
^ Requirements ^^^
|Skill||[[skill:alchemy|{{skill:alchemy.png?20}}]] 40|
^ Materials ^^^
|[[item:empty_vial|{{ item:small:171.webp |Empty Vial}}]]|[[item:empty_vial|Empty Vial]]|1|
|[[item:sweetgrass|{{ item:small:907.webp |Sweetgrass}}]]|[[item:sweetgrass|Sweetgrass]]|20|
^ Results ^|1|
^ XP ^|1870|