=======Potion of Arrow Evasion======= This page has been automatically generated. [[dev:generation|More Info]] ^ Potion of Arrow Evasion ^^ | {{:item:1271.webp|Potion of Arrow Evasion}} || | ID|1271 | | Comment|2nd tier resistance potions | | Level|15 | | Price|535 | | General Store Sell Price|160 | | Crafting Skill|[[skill:alchemy|{{skill:alchemy.png?20}}]] [[skill:alchemy|Alchemy]] | | Max Stack|3 | | On Use|Drink Potion | You can dodge arrows! Temporarily boosts your ranged resistance by 20. May not be combined with other potions that boost the same stats. =====Creation===== ^ [[workbench:alchemist_workbench|Alchemist Workbench]] ^^^ ^ Requirements ^^^ |Skill||[[skill:alchemy|{{skill:alchemy.png?20}}]] 15| ^ Materials ^^^ |[[item:empty_vial|{{ item:small:171.webp |Empty Vial}}]]|[[item:empty_vial|Empty Vial]]|1| |[[item:deep_forest_daisy|{{ item:small:456.webp |Deep Forest Daisy}}]]|[[item:deep_forest_daisy|Deep Forest Daisy]]|5| |[[item:mutated_crab_leg|{{ item:small:973.webp |Mutated Crab Leg}}]]|[[item:mutated_crab_leg|Mutated Crab Leg]]|1| ^ Results ^|1| ^ XP ^|1350| {{htmlmetatags>metatag-media-og:image=(:item:1271.webp)}}