=======Thornhill Knight's Helmet======= This page has been automatically generated. [[dev:generation|More Info]] ^ Thornhill Knight's Helmet ^^ | {{:item:771.webp|Thornhill Knight's Helmet}} || | ID|771 | | Level|24 | | Price|720 | | General Store Sell Price|216 | | Slot|head | | Skill|[[skill:defence|{{skill:defence.png?20}}]] [[skill:defence|Defence]] | ^ Stats ^^ | [[stat:health|{{stat:health.png|}}]][[stat:health|Health]]|30.0 | | [[stat:resistancemagical|{{stat:resistancemagical.png|}}]][[stat:resistancemagical|Magical Resistance]]|-20.0 | | [[stat:resistancephysical|{{stat:resistancephysical.png|}}]][[stat:resistancephysical|Physical Resistance]]|20.0 | | [[stat:resistanceranged|{{stat:resistanceranged.png|}}]][[stat:resistanceranged|Ranged Resistance]]|20.0 | Meticulously protective plate, granted only to Knights of Thornhill most trusted by the city's Lord Mayor. Salvaging this item will result in 120-240 scrap split between [[item:scrap_metals|Scrap Metals]], [[item:wood_chips|Wood Chips]] and [[item:scrap_linen|Scrap Linen]], and has a 20% chance to give 1-4 [[item:old_artifacts|Old Artifacts]].=====Loot Drops===== ^ NPC ^ Level ^ Amount ^ Drop Rate ^ |[[npc:warden_ravidrasse|Warden Ravidrasse]]|35|1|1/50| {{htmlmetatags>metatag-media-og:image=(:item:771.webp)}}