=======Troll Crossbow=======
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^ Troll Crossbow ^^
| {{:item:1010.webp|Troll Crossbow}} ||
| ID|1010 |
| Category|crossbow |
| Level|25 |
| Price|750 |
| General Store Sell Price|225 |
| Slot|weapon |
| Skill|[[skill:archery|{{skill:archery.png?20}}]] [[skill:archery|Archery]] |
| On Use|[[ability:troll_crossbow|Troll Crossbow]] |
^ Stats ^^
| [[stat:health|{{stat:health.png|}}]][[stat:health|Health]]|5.0 |
| [[stat:resistancephysical|{{stat:resistancephysical.png|}}]][[stat:resistancephysical|Physical Resistance]]|-50.0 |
| [[stat:accuracyranged|{{stat:accuracyranged.png|}}]][[stat:accuracyranged|Ranged Accuracy]]|50.0 |
| [[stat:accuracyranged|{{stat:accuracyranged.png|}}]][[stat:accuracyranged|Ranged Damage]]|9.0 |
Crude but effective, much like its makers. It packs quite the punch!
Salvaging this item will result in 125-250 scrap split between [[item:scrap_metals|Scrap Metals]], [[item:wood_chips|Wood Chips]] and [[item:scrap_linen|Scrap Linen]], and has a 20% chance to give 1-5 [[item:old_artifacts|Old Artifacts]].=====Loot Drops=====
^ NPC ^ Level ^ Amount ^ Drop Rate ^
|[[npc:baldardashg_the_hooman_slayer|Baldardashg the Hooman Slayer]]|30|1|1/40|
=====Store Locations=====
^ Store ^ Stock ^ Sell Price ^ Buy Price ^ Restock Time ^
|[[store:harshwind_hunting|Harshwind Hunting]]|0|562 [[item:coins|{{item:currency:131.webp}}]]|337 [[item:coins|{{item:currency:131.webp}}]]|00:00:00|