=======Aldric Stormweaver=======
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^ Aldric Stormweaver ^^
| {{:npc:9062.webp}} ||
| Level|60 |
| Tags|Friendly |
| Can Fight|True |
| Aggresive|False |
| Team|2 |
^ Stats ^^
| [[stat:health|{{stat:health.png|}}]][[stat:health|Health]]|439.0 |
| [[stat:mana|{{stat:mana.png|}}]][[stat:mana|Mana]]|339.0 |
| [[stat:resistancemagical|{{stat:resistancemagical.png|}}]][[stat:resistancemagical|Magical Resistance]]|163.0 |
| [[stat:resistancephysical|{{stat:resistancephysical.png|}}]][[stat:resistancephysical|Physical Resistance]]|197.0 |
| [[stat:resistanceranged|{{stat:resistanceranged.png|}}]][[stat:resistanceranged|Ranged Resistance]]|197.0 |
| [[stat:accuracymagical|{{stat:accuracymagical.png|}}]][[stat:accuracymagical|Magical Accuracy]]|280.0 |
| [[stat:damagemagical|{{stat:damagemagical.png|}}]][[stat:damagemagical|Magical Damage]]|12.0 |
| [[stat:manaregen|{{stat:manaregen.png|}}]][[stat:manaregen|Mana Regeneration]]|46.0 |
^ Aldric Stormweaver ^^
| {{:npc:9064.webp}} ||
| Level|1 |
| Aggresive|False |
^ Spawn Locations ^^
| {{url>https://cursebreaker-map.online/wiki.html?npc=9064#-1/734/2255}} ||
^ Area ^ Spawns ^
|[[area:amariens_foothills|Amarien's Foothills]]|1|
> (6400) Aldric Stormweaver: The wilderness awaits, my magic's at your disposal!
>> What skills do you bring to the fight? -> (6401)
>> Join me, I could use your aid. (5400 coins) -> (6402)
>> Leave. -> (0)
> (6401) Aldric Stormweaver: Oh, I'm well versed in the magics of the mountain shamans! I can both mend your wounds during battle and hex your enemies, making them easier to defeat.
>> Impressive, join me! (5400 coins) -> (6402)
>> Interesting... -> (0)
> (6402) Aldric Stormweaver: Very well, I shall join you and with me, the spirits of my ancestors!
>> Sure. Adds [[npc:aldric_stormweaver|Aldric Stormweaver]] Follower. -> (0)