=======Apothecary Sven=======
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^ Apothecary Sven ^^
| {{:npc:872.webp}} ||
| Level|1 |
| Aggresive|False |
| Wandering Distance|1 |
^ Spawn Locations ^^
| {{url>https://cursebreaker-map.online/wiki.html?npc=872#-1/1089/527}} ||
^ Area ^ Spawns ^
|[[area:thornhill_city|Thornhill City]]|1|
> (30) Apothecary Sven Drogge: *The man in the plague doctor outfit greets you in a thick, foreign accent.*Who arrives? I am in ze middle of extracting a dead gentleman's spleen, disruptions are not welcome! At least you have ze appropriate protective attire, this is good.((Requires phase 2 of [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]]))
>> -> (31)
> (31) Apothecary Sven Drogge: I am apothecary, Sven. And who is ze gentleman I have ze pleasure to be conversing with? He is also interested in studies of ze plague, yes?
>> It's a pleasure, I'm Lord Aercrest. -> (32)
>> You may call me Rothar. -> (33)
>> Your apprentice sent me - the one outside? -> (34)
> (32) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ach, Mister Lorde, it is pleasure indeed. So, shall we discuss ze work at hand?
>> No, Lord as in... -> (35)
> (33) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ach okaaay, well I forget name soon so it does not really matter anyway. So, shall we discuss ze work at hand?
>> Okay? -> (35)
> (34) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Who? Ach, he means ze girl. She is, how does one say... not imbecile? This is good, however, I have not ze desire to subject her to terrible sickness, and she does not have ze correct apparel such as you wear.
>> You're studying the plague? -> (35)
> (35) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Blistering Plight, gentleman has heard of this? Fever, blisters, choking on yellow pus... ze full service, yes? No new cases for days, people think plague is gone, thus they rejoice. But no! I discover this plague is, ehm... insidious, perhaps?
>> How so? -> (36)
> (36) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Sometimes plague kills, yes? But when body dies, plague stays still, dormant for a while. It grows, mutates, then... eruption, spores! New infection! People burn bodies, this is good practice. But some still remain, spores already developed, suit will be necessary!
>> Where did this plague come from? -> (39)
>> I take it you're not from around here? -> (42)
>> You want me to burn corpses? -> (37)
> (39) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Hmm, there ze gentleman asks a very valid question. I have studied plagues for three decades. Pests usually spread them, then merchants also, once infected. Yes, however in this case... how does one say, ze city is ground zero?
>> -> (40)
> (42) Apothecary Sven Drogge: I arrive here from Bronswind Academy of Melloria. But perhaps gentleman recognizes, Melloria is not where I grew up. That would be ze lands of Glimmerfiel; beautiful lands, everyone knows this. Also, not ze place for an academic mind, one might say.
>> Where do you think the plague came from? -> (39)
>> So, you want me to burn corpses? -> (37)
> (37) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Gentleman is exactly correct. Southeast of here near ze city wall, it is where plagued bodies are piled on funeral pyres - ze plague corner one might call it. Have advised citizens to stay away, yet one must do ze dirty work still, with a torch in hand.
>> -> (38)
> (40) Apothecary Sven Drogge: No prior outbreaks reported elsewhere. I came here at once, believe I located patient zero, house is boarded up. But I asked around, nobody knew ze man. He was foreigner, but not a merchant. Arrives in ze city, rents a house, talks to no one - soon, ze plague spreads.
>> Wait, you don't think this was deliberate? -> (41)
>> You're not from around here, are you? -> (42)
>> So, you want me to burn corpses? -> (37)
> (38) Apothecary Sven Drogge: However! An opportunity for study is also presented. Perhaps gentleman takes my tissue sample jar. He may gather some plague pus from ze bodies, before burning them? He may then bring ze sample back to me for examine.
>> Understood. Updates [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]] to phase 3. Gives 1 [[item:empty_tissue_sample_jar|Empty Tissue Sample Jar]]. -> (0)
> (41) Apothecary Sven Drogge: It is mystery, but I have no evidence to draw conclusions from, yes? Ze plagued house, it presents a problem. Plague may spread still, I think - another wave? But let's deal with one step at a time, as one might say.
>> You're not from around here, are you? -> (42)
>> So, you want me to burn corpses? -> (37)
> (50) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ze gentleman understands what's at stake? Ze plague may not yet be fully over, I must conduct further study.((Requires phase 3 of [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]]))
>> I'm in need of another tissue sample jar. Gives 1 [[item:empty_tissue_sample_jar|Empty Tissue Sample Jar]]. -> (0)
>> What did you need from me again? -> (56)
>> Mind if I ask a few questions? -> (51)
>> Leave. -> (0)
> (56) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Southeast of here, near ze city walls, plague bodies still remain piled on funeral pyres. I have discovered ze plague continues to fester in dead bodies, creates infectious spores. Ze gentleman has protective gear, takes a torch to ze bodies, yes?
>> -> (57)
> (51) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ze gentleman may, although I must remind him that my test subject still awaits my attention. Spleen, kidney, stomach, heart and ze lungs of course... all must be carefully examined.
>> I was curious to hear where you're from, Sven? -> (52)
>> How did this plague get started in the first place? -> (53)
>> Nevermind. -> (0)
> (57) Apothecary Sven Drogge: However, before destruction, if ze gentleman would be as kind as to collect a sample of plague pus from ze corpses. Once he has put ze bodies under ze torch so to say, he brings the sample back to me? It may be necessary to progress my studies.
>> I'm in need of another tissue sample jar. Gives 1 [[item:empty_tissue_sample_jar|Empty Tissue Sample Jar]]. -> (0)
>> Mind if I ask a few questions? -> (51)
>> I see. -> (0)
> (52) Apothecary Sven Drogge: I arrive here from Bronswind Academy of Melloria. But perhaps gentleman recognizes, Melloria is not where I grew up. That would be ze lands of Glimmerfiel; beautiful lands, everyone knows this. Also, not ze place for an academic mind, one might say.
>> How do you think this plague got started? -> (53)
>> I see. -> (0)
> (53) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Hmm, there ze gentleman asks a very valid question. I have studied plagues for three decades. Pests usually spread them, then merchants also, once infected. Yes, however in this case... how does one say, ze city is ground zero?
>> -> (54)
> (54) Apothecary Sven Drogge: No prior outbreaks reported elsewhere. I came here at once, believe I located patient zero, house is boarded up. But I asked around, nobody knew ze man. He was foreigner, but not a merchant. Arrives in ze city, rents a house, talks to no one - soon, ze plague spreads.
>> Wait, you don't think this was deliberate? -> (55)
>> I was curious to hear where you're from, Sven? -> (52)
>> I see. -> (0)
> (55) Apothecary Sven Drogge: It is mystery, but I have no evidence to draw conclusions from, yes? Ze plagued house, it presents a problem. Plague may spread still, I think - another wave? But let's deal with one step at a time, as one might say.
>> I was curious to hear where you're from, Sven? -> (52)
>> I see. -> (0)
> (65) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ach, ze gentleman returns, and he has ze sample of plague pus I requested? It is most excellent. Perhaps ze gentleman noticed ze house while burning bodies?((Requires phase 5 of [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]]))((1 [[item:plague_pus_sample|Plague Pus Sample]] must be in inventory))
>> -> (66)
> (66) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ze one boarded up, X painted on windows and such, yes? First house to become infected, origin point for ze plague. Like ze corpses on ze street, highly problematic still - must be cleansed.
>> Ah, so you want me to torch the house as well? -> (67)
>> What do you propose we do? -> (71)
> (67) Apothecary Sven Drogge: I hope ze gentleman jests? Plague is no laughing matter, and where I come from, it is considered poor form to make jokes. In any case, burn ze house and you risk burning half ze city, yes? I have more elegant solution in mind.
>> -> (68)
> (71) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Yes, well burning corpses is one thing, but burning houses? Fire spreads, engulfs ze city - it is not appropriate. I must prepare a cleansing agent to save ze city, but I'm not yet sure what is effective.
>> -> (68)
> (68) Apothecary Sven Drogge: While I study ze plague pus, perhaps gentleman could acquire another sample? I wish to examine an air sample from ze plagued house. However, since it is boarded up, he may have to be creative to gain entry.
>> Where was this plagued house again? -> (69)
>> How do I get an air sample? -> (70)
> (69) Apothecary Sven Drogge: So called plague corner, where he burned ze bodies, yes? House is boarded up, is difficult to mistake.
>> How do I get an air sample? -> (70)
> (70) Apothecary Sven Drogge: He puts ze sample in ze jar, like last time, yes? He waves jar in ze air, thus air and plague spores go in ze jar. It is quite simple, yes?
>> If you say so. Updates [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]] to phase 6. Gives 1 [[item:empty_air_sample_jar|Empty Air Sample Jar]]. -> (0)
> (80) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ze plague pus sample you brought me has advanced my understanding significantly, but I shall need ze air sample from ze infected house to confirm my beliefs. I am sure - with aid from ze gentleman - I will be able to cleanse ze house.((Requires phase 6 of [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]]))
>> I seem to have lost ze sample jar. Gives 1 [[item:empty_air_sample_jar|Empty Air Sample Jar]]. -> (0)
>> How should I go about acquiring ze air sample? -> (81)
>> Mind if I ask a few questions? -> (51)
>> Leave. -> (0)
> (81) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Gentleman noticed ze house in plague corner, while burning bodies, yes? Boarded up, marked with X. In fact first house to become infected. Like ze corpses on ze street, highly problematic still - must be cleansed.
>> -> (82)
> (82) Apothecary Sven Drogge: I must prepare ze appropriate cleansing agent, but cannot yet sure what is effective. Plague pus sample gentleman brought is helpful, but an air sample from ze infected house is also needed.
>> But how do I get the correct sample though? -> (83)
>> Mind if I ask a few questions? -> (51)
>> If you say so. -> (0)
> (83) Apothecary Sven Drogge: He puts ze sample in ze jar, like last time, yes? He waves jar in ze air, thus air and plague spores go in ze jar. It is quite simple, yes?
>> I seem to have lost ze sample jar. Gives 1 [[item:empty_air_sample_jar|Empty Air Sample Jar]]. -> (0)
>> Mind if I ask a few questions? -> (51)
>> If you say so. -> (0)
> (90) Apothecary Sven Drogge: *As you arrive, the plague doctor looks up at you from midst his vials.*I take it gentleman has acquired sample of infectious air?((Requires phase 7 of [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]]))((1 [[item:plagued_air_sample|Plagued Air Sample]] must be in inventory))
>> He has indeed. -> (91)
> (91) Apothecary Sven Drogge: *You hand over the jar and Sven immediately begins to analyze it through strangely curved lenses, all the while muttering to himself. After some time has passed, he finally speaks up.*
>> -> (92)
> (92) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Hmm, yes... I have seen something like this before, in Melloria. Similar, but different. Ze solution then was to burn an old medicinal plant as incense, I believe similar treatment will be effective here.
>> An old medicinal plant? -> (93)
>> Where should I look for it? -> (94)
> (93) Apothecary Sven Drogge: A folk remedy, one might say? Flower of ze Soothing Mallow. Traditionally people grew them everywhere - in gardens and homes - yet such wisdom is since forgotten. Ze plant offers potent medicine, make no mistake. Ancestors were not incorrect, one might say.
>> Where should I look for it? -> (94)
> (94) Apothecary Sven Drogge: These days it is a rare find. There was a druidic gentleman in ze city, I briefly spoke with him before. Talk of ze flower came up, he said he has found it on ze cliffs by ze river, southeast of ze city, between here and ze Fenwater Village.
>> -> (95)
> (95) Apothecary Sven Drogge: If ze gentleman would be so kind, bring back a bushel of five?
>> Okay, ze gentleman is on it. Updates [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]] to phase 8. -> (0)
> (100) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Once ze gentleman brings me Soothing Mallow, I may prepare it into an incense. I expect ze fumes will purify ze infected house. Only time will tell.((Requires phase 8 of [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]]))
>> Where should I look for this Soothing Mallow? -> (101)
>> Mind if I ask a few questions? -> (51)
>> Leave. -> (0)
> (101) Apothecary Sven Drogge: These days it is a rare find. There was a druidic gentleman in ze city, I briefly spoke with him before. Talk of ze flower came up, he said he has found it on ze cliffs by ze river, southeast of ze city, between here and ze Fenwater Village. I hope this knowledge is of help.
>> Mind if I ask a few questions? -> (51)
>> We shall see. -> (0)
> (110) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ach, ze gentleman returns! I have come to expect good news whenever he does. I assume he has ze herbs? They will provide us with a purifying incense.((Requires phase 9 of [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]]))((5 [[item:soothing_mallow|Soothing Mallow]] must be in inventory))
>> There was an odd... encounter. -> (111)
>> Indeed, I have the Soothing Mallow. -> (113)
> (111) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Odd encounter, how does he mean? I am unable to draw conclusions from such a vague statement.
>> I was attacked by some rabid adventurer - Kyler Plair? -> (112)
>> Nevermind, I got you your herbs. -> (113)
> (113) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Then I have but one task remaining for ze gentleman, yet it is ze one with utmost gravity. Ze plague corner house, ground zero for Blistering Plight - it must be properly cleansed.
>> -> (114)
> (112) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ach, I see... Yes, such things are known to happen unfortunately. Some men just want to watch ze world burn, yes? But you have ze herbs? It is most important, I suggest gentleman puts ze rest behind him.
>> Anyway, I have your Soothing Mallow. -> (113)
> (114) Apothecary Sven Drogge: *Sven rubs the Soothing Mallow with a greyish powder, which seems to instantly drain all moisture out of the plants.*
>> -> (115)
> (115) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ze plague house remains a critical threat, especially after gentleman entered to acquire ze air sample. Fools often do not stay away. Gentleman may now take ze incense.
>> -> (116)
> (116) Apothecary Sven Drogge: I ask that gentleman properly lights ze incense once he returns to ze plague house. Then, gentleman should board up ze house again. If ze incense is to work, it will take time. Townsfolk must be kept away, yes?
>> It has been a pleasure to work with you, Sven. -> (117)
>> I shall go at once! Updates [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]] to phase 10. Gives 1 [[item:the_soothing_incense|The Soothing Incense]]. -> (0)
> (117) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ze honor is mine, gentleman. He makes an apprentice most excellent and capable. Now he must make haste!
>> I'm on my way. Updates [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]] to phase 10. Gives 1 [[item:the_soothing_incense|The Soothing Incense]]. -> (0)
> (105) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ze plague house must be purified. If gentleman does not succeed, ze city could be facing a second wave. Much is at stake, yes?((Requires phase 10 of [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]]))
>> I've lit the incense in the house. -> (107)
>> Do you have any more of that incense? Gives 1 [[item:the_soothing_incense|The Soothing Incense]]. -> (0)
>> Still, I was hoping to ask a few questions. -> (106)
>> Nevermind. -> (0)
> (107) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Yes, but has he resealed ze entrance? Incense will take time to do its work. Townsfolk may still be in danger, if one chooses to enter, yes?
>> Can you be sure they haven't already? -> (108)
>> I was hoping to ask a few questions. -> (106)
>> Yes... -> (0)
> (106) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ze fate of ze city lies at stake, yet gentleman wishes to talk. Very well, he may ask.
>> I was curious to hear where you're from, Sven? -> (52)
>> How did this plague get started in the first place? -> (53)
>> Nevermind. -> (0)
> (108) Apothecary Sven Drogge: I cannot, yet we must do ze best we can. Then, we can only wait and see, and hope for ze best.
>> I was hoping to ask a few questions. -> (106)
>> Indeed. -> (0)
> (120) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Incense is burning, house is boarded, yes? I wonder, is ze gentleman aware of how great his service to this city? Sadly I hear its ruler is tyrant, no rewards to be expected from him. But many lives were possibly saved.((Requires phase 12 of [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]]))
>> Do you think the incense is going to cut it? -> (121)
>> Then our work here is done. -> (122)
> (121) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Confident, but cannot be certain. There was not enough time for study and experimentation, had to work fast to cleanse ze house, yes? But without our actions, situation would have no hope.
>> Then our work here is done. -> (122)
> (122) Apothecary Sven Drogge: For now, I must thank ze gentleman for being an excellent substitute apprentice. If he wishes to conduct his own experiments, he may check my supply of corpses in ze backyard. Also, I have an alchemical solution for ze gentleman he may find most useful.
>> Um, I can just... borrow your corpses? -> (123)
>> Alchemical solution? -> (124)
>> Thank you Sven, it's most appreciated. -> (125)
> (123) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Oh yes, there has been steady supply of them. I trust gentleman would not have gotten this far if he was shy of corpses, yes?
>> And the alchemical solution? -> (124)
>> Thank you Sven, it's most appreciated. -> (125)
> (124) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Yes, I expect gentleman may find use for it when out in ze dangerous world, being ambushed by nefarious characters when picking herbs and such.
>> Um, and I can just... borrow your corpses? -> (123)
>> Thank you Sven, it's most appreciated. -> (125)
> (125) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Gentleman is always welcome, I look forward to working with him again, should a case arise. It has been a pleasure.
>> Completes [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]] quest. -> (0)
> (130) Apothecary Sven Drogge: *Sven looks up at you from his studies, his features ever hidden by his plague mask. You wonder, does he ever take it off?*((Requires completion [[quest:plague_doctors_apprentice|Plague Doctor's Apprentice]]))
>> -> (131)
> (131) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ach, it is ze gentleman! What can be done for him?
>> Can't help but wonder, do you ever take that mask off? -> (132)
>> Wanted to ask about the plague... -> (133)
>> There's something random I wanted to ask you. -> (134)
>> I'll see you later, Sven. -> (0)
> (132) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Hah, gentleman is not ze first to wonder, nor will he be ze last I imagine. Of course mask must come off sometimes, somehow I have to eat, yes? In fairness, I suppose not many people have seen my face, or remember it.
>> Wanted to ask about the plague... -> (133)
>> There's something random I wanted to ask you. -> (134)
>> That's all I really wanted to know. -> (0)
> (133) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ach yes, ze plague...
>> Think we really stopped it? -> (135)
>> How do you think it got started in the first place? -> (136)
>> What are the symptoms? -> (139)
>> Actually, had another question... -> (134)
>> Nevermind. -> (0)
> (134) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Of course, I have time for ze gentleman.
>> I was curious to hear where you're from, Sven? -> (141)
>> How do you feel about your apprentice outside? -> (143)
>> Actually, wanted to ask about the plague... -> (133)
>> Nevermind. -> (0)
> (135) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Confident, but cannot be certain. There was not enough time for study and experimentation, had to work fast to cleanse ze house, yes? But without our actions, situation would have no hope.
>> How do you think it got started in the first place? -> (136)
>> What are the symptoms? -> (139)
>> Actually, had another question... -> (134)
>> Indeed. -> (0)
> (136) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Hmm, there ze gentleman asks a very valid question. I have studied plagues for three decades. Pests usually spread them, then merchants also, once infected. Yes, however in this case... how does one say, ze city is ground zero?
>> -> (137)
> (139) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Approximately 3 or 4 days upon coming into contact with ze infection, patient develops heavy shivers and sweating, they begin coughing, fever breaks soon after...
>> -> (140)
> (141) Apothecary Sven Drogge: I arrive here from Bronswind Academy of Melloria. But perhaps gentleman recognizes, Melloria is not where I grew up. That would be ze lands of Glimmerfiel; beautiful lands, everyone knows this. Also, not ze place for an academic mind, one might say.
>> How so? -> (142)
>> How do you feel about your apprentice outside? -> (143)
>> Wanted to ask about the plague... -> (133)
>> I see. -> (0)
> (143) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Ze girl has a sharp enough mind, but alas, she was too inexperienced in ze face of this plague. This is understandable, I do not blame her. She has far to go yet and I wish to see she gets there, yes?
>> I was curious to hear where you're from, Sven? -> (141)
>> Wanted to ask about the plague... -> (133)
>> Yes, indeed. -> (0)
> (137) Apothecary Sven Drogge: No prior outbreaks reported elsewhere. I came here at once, believe I located patient zero, house is boarded up. But I asked around, nobody knew ze man. He was foreigner, but not a merchant. Arrives in ze city, rents a house, talks to no one - soon, ze plague spreads.
>> You don't think it was spread deliberately? -> (138)
>> Think we really stopped it? -> (135)
>> What are the symptoms? -> (139)
>> Actually, had another question... -> (134)
>> I see. -> (0)
> (140) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Fever rises, cough worsens, skin reddens... Yellow pus begins to come out of lungs. Skin, it breaks into red blisters. Perhaps one in five infected loses life, for elderly and weak perhaps every three in four.
>> How do you think it got started in the first place? -> (136)
>> Think we really stopped it? -> (135)
>> Actually, had another question... -> (134)
>> Indeed, grim. -> (0)
> (142) Apothecary Sven Drogge: Glimmerfiel, people are very... agrarian? Very traditional and religious, yes? One might say my mind was not best liked, I was considered misfit. I often miss ze land, but also I have not been back in over three decades.
>> How do you feel about your apprentice outside? -> (143)
>> Wanted to ask about the plague... -> (133)
>> I understand.. -> (0)
> (138) Apothecary Sven Drogge: It is mystery, but I have no evidence to draw conclusions from. Perhaps such evidence will yet surface? I do not enjoy unsolved mysteries.
>> Think we really stopped it? -> (135)
>> What are the symptoms? -> (139)
>> Actually, had another question... -> (134)
>> Indeed. -> (0)