=======Bernie Brier======= This page has been automatically generated. [[dev:generation|More Info]] ^ Bernie Brier ^^ | {{:npc:268.webp}} || | Level|1 | | Aggresive|False | | Respawn Time|00:05:00 | | Wandering Distance|2 | ^ Stats ^^ | [[stat:movementspeed|{{stat:movementspeed.png|}}]][[stat:movementspeed|Movement Speed]]|4.0 | ^ Bernie Brier ^^ | {{:npc:361.webp}} || | Level|10 | | Can Fight|True | | Aggresive|False | | Aggro Distance|5 | | Respawn Time|00:05:00 | | Wandering Distance|2 | ^ Stats ^^ | [[stat:resistancemagical|{{stat:resistancemagical.png|}}]][[stat:resistancemagical|Magical Resistance]]|12.0 | | [[stat:resistancephysical|{{stat:resistancephysical.png|}}]][[stat:resistancephysical|Physical Resistance]]|12.0 | | [[stat:resistanceranged|{{stat:resistanceranged.png|}}]][[stat:resistanceranged|Ranged Resistance]]|12.0 | | [[stat:accuracyphysical|{{stat:accuracyphysical.png|}}]][[stat:accuracyphysical|Physical Accuracy]]|14.0 | | [[stat:movementspeed|{{stat:movementspeed.png|}}]][[stat:movementspeed|Movement Speed]]|4.0 | ^ Spawn Locations ^^ | {{url>https://cursebreaker-map.online/wiki.html?npc=361#-1/498/534}} || ^ Bernie Brier ^^ | {{:npc:362.webp}} || | Level|1 | | Aggresive|False | ^ Spawn Locations ^^ | {{url>https://cursebreaker-map.online/wiki.html?npc=362-439#-1/496/532}} || =====Locations===== ^ Area ^ Spawns ^ |[[area:haywind|Haywind]]|2| =====Dialogue===== > (2200) Bernie Brier: Oi, you! You're the creep that threatened my delicate little sister! I'm gonna teach you a lesson on what happens to creeps like you! >> Oh, brilliant... -> (0) {{htmlmetatags>metatag-media-og:image=(:npc:268.webp)}}