=======Cartshop Keeper=======
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^ Cartshop Keeper ^^
| {{:npc:527.webp}} ||
| Level|1 |
| Aggresive|False |
| Wandering Distance|10 |
^ Spawn Locations ^^
| {{url>https://cursebreaker-map.online/wiki.html?npc=527#-1/278/799}} ||
^ Area ^ Spawns ^
|[[area:east_aure_banks|East Aure Banks]]|1|
> (1) Cartshop Keeper: Another quiet day of business...
>> Got any work? -> (2)
>> Oh really? -> (0)
> (2) Cartshop Keeper: Hmm, and who might you be? Have you come to inspect my carts?
>> No, I'm just looking for honest work. -> (3)
>> Indeed! I'm the kingdom's cart inspector. Show me your wares! -> (4)
> (3) Cartshop Keeper: Work, you say? Fine, I suppose I have a task for someone like you. I need some spruce wood to fix my carts. Bring me five logs of quality spruce.
>> Right away. -> (0)
>> Why don’t you fetch it yourself, old hag? -> (5)
> (4) Cartshop Keeper: Inspector, you say? GET OUT OF HERE!
>> Hehe... -> (0)
> (5) Cartshop Keeper: OUT! NOW!
>> -> (0)
> (7) Cartshop Keeper: Oh, you're back. Where’s the spruce I asked for? Five logs of quality spruce.
>> You didn’t mention I’d have to pay for it. Give me the coins first. -> (8)
>> Here’s your spruce. -> (10)
>> Soon... -> (0)
> (8) Cartshop Keeper: Are you out of your mind? You asked for work, and I gave you some! Now, get me that spruce wood!
>> Not before you hand over the coins. -> (9)
> (10) Cartshop Keeper: Excellent! I’ll have my lazy husband work on these right away. You probably want some coins for your trouble? Here, now be gone!
>> Thanks... Gives 25 [[item:coins|Coins]]. -> (0)
> (9) Cartshop Keeper: FINE! HERE! Now, get the wood!
>> Hehe... Gives 100 [[item:coins|Coins]]. -> (0)