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^ Elowen ^^
| {{:npc:1168.webp}} ||
| Level|1 |
| Aggresive|False |
^ Spawn Locations ^^
| {{url>https://cursebreaker-map.online/wiki.html?npc=1168#-1/914/673}} ||
^ Area ^ Spawns ^
|[[area:fenwater_village|Fenwater Village]]|1|
> (6100) Elowen: Did that shady fellow talk to you too?
>> Who are you talking about? -> (6101)
>> What was the task again? -> (6101)
>> I’ve dealt with him. -> (6103)
>> Just passing through. -> (0)
> (6101) Elowen: The guy lingering outside the village! He’s been acting strange, and I don’t trust him. Can you go check it out?
>> I’ll look into it. -> (0)
> (6103) Elowen: You handled that well! You’ve done a great service to Fenwater. Thank you for keeping us safe.
>> Glad to help the village. -> (0)