=======Harvy o'Drear the Harvest Golem=======
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^ Harvy o'Drear the Harvest Golem ^^
| {{:npc:1191.webp}} ||
| Level|12 |
| Aggresive|False |
| Wandering Distance|2 |
^ Stats ^^
| [[stat:resistancemagical|{{stat:resistancemagical.png|}}]][[stat:resistancemagical|Magical Resistance]]|18.0 |
| [[stat:resistancephysical|{{stat:resistancephysical.png|}}]][[stat:resistancephysical|Physical Resistance]]|8.0 |
| [[stat:resistanceranged|{{stat:resistanceranged.png|}}]][[stat:resistanceranged|Ranged Resistance]]|12.0 |
| [[stat:accuracyphysical|{{stat:accuracyphysical.png|}}]][[stat:accuracyphysical|Physical Accuracy]]|16.0 |
^ Spawn Locations ^^
| {{url>https://cursebreaker-map.online/wiki.html?npc=1191#-1/294/655}} ||
^ Area ^ Spawns ^
|[[area:haywind_outskirts|Haywind Outskirts]]|1|
> (120) Harvy o'Drear the Harvest Golem: THE PUMPKINS... BELONG TO MEEE...!((Requires phase 1 of [[quest:pumpkin_pandemonium|Pumpkin Pandemonium]]))
>> -> (121)
> (121) Lady Morrigane D.A. Pompookin: Hey, get away from Harvy! He's a bit sensitive, he shouldn't be disturbed!
>> You're the one who summoned this creature? -> (122)
>> It's time for him to go back to where ever he came from. -> (123)
> (122) Lady Morrigane D.A. Pompookin: Yeah, what of it? Can't you see he's 'entertaining' the children, hahahaaa!
>> You don't think you've overdone it just a bit? -> (125)
>> What in the world even is that thing? -> (126)
>> Alright fun's over, it's time you unsummon this thing - make it go away. -> (123)
> (123) Harvy o'Drear the Harvest Golem: IT WANTS TO DESTROY ME...? GRRRAAAWR...!
>> -> (124)
> (125) Lady Morrigane D.A. Pompookin: Oh, psssht! He hasn't even hurt anyone... erm, yet. Besides, I'm quite enjoying myself, watching him prowl around the pumpkin field. Just look at him go, hahaha!
>> What in the world even is that thing? -> (126)
>> Alright fun's over, it's time you unsummon this thing - make it go away. -> (123)
> (126) Lady Morrigane D.A. Pompookin: Oh, I have no idea, I don't know what my magic does half the time. I just vaguely thought of a spell and directed it at one of these festival pumpkins, and well... Harvy popped out! Heheee!
>> You don't think you've overdone it just a bit? -> (125)
>> Alright fun's over, it's time you unsummon this thing - make it go away. -> (123)
> (124) Lady Morrigane D.A. Pompookin: See, now you've just made him upset...
>> Updates [[quest:pumpkin_pandemonium|Pumpkin Pandemonium]] to phase 2. -> (0)