=======Magician Boy=======
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^ Magician Boy ^^
| {{:npc:254.webp}} ||
| Level|1 |
| Aggresive|False |
| Respawn Time|00:05:00 |
| Wandering Distance|2 |
^ Stats ^^
| [[stat:movementspeed|{{stat:movementspeed.png|}}]][[stat:movementspeed|Movement Speed]]|4.0 |
^ Spawn Locations ^^
| {{url>https://cursebreaker-map.online/wiki.html?npc=254#-1/392/550}} ||
^ Area ^ Spawns ^
> (2060) Magician Boy: Leave me alone!
>> I'm sorry kid, I didn't mean what I said. Come on then, show me a magic trick? -> (2061)
>> Leave. -> (0)
> (2061) Magician Boy: *The boy is reluctant at first, but he then shows you his empty tophat, then pulls a carrot out of it.* Tadaa!
>> Hm, how about I teach you some real magic, boy? -> (2055)
>> Umm... wow, well done kid, keep practicing! -> (2053)
>> Wait, aren't you supposed to pull a bunny out of it? -> (2062)
>> Nice. -> (0)
> (2055) Magician Boy: You'd do that? Oh please sir, show me!
>> -> (2056)
> (2053) Magician Boy: Thanks! One day I'll be just like one of those Hydrobor wizards!
>> Good luck with that. -> (0)
> (2062) Magician Boy: I... well... I had a bunny before, but during one performance he... umm... died.
>> Hm, how about I teach you some real magic, boy? -> (2055)
>> Oh... -> (0)
> (2056) Magician Boy: *You teach the boy how to summon a small flame.*
>> -> (2057)
> (2057) Magician Boy: Wooooow! That's so cool! Now I'm way cooler than the other kids! Thanks, sir!
>> Now remember, kid: with great power comes great responsibility. Gives 1 [[item:orb_of_responsibility|Orb of Responsibility]]. -> (2058)
>> That's right, boy. Go set the world on fire. Gives 1 [[item:orb_of_recklessness|Orb of Recklessness]]. -> (2059)
> (2058) Magician Boy: Yes, sir! I'll remember that, sir! *Your actions have rewarded you with an orb of responsibility.*
>> Good luck, kiddo. -> (0)
> (2059) Magician Boy: Hahaa! No one will dare call me a dumb wizard anymore! I'll make sure of it. *Your actions have rewarded you with an orb of recklessness.*
>> Good luck, kiddo. -> (0)
> (2063) Magician Boy: Another trick, sir?
>> Sure! -> (2051)
>> Why aren't you playing with the other kids? -> (2052)
>> Not right now, thanks. -> (0)
> (2051) Magician Boy: *The boy shows you his empty tophat, then pulls a carrot out of it.* Tadaa!
>> Hm, how about I teach you some real magic, boy? -> (2055)
>> Umm... wow, well done kid! Keep practicing! -> (2053)
>> Wait, aren't you supposed to pull a bunny out of it? -> (2062)
>> Nice. -> (0)
> (2052) Magician Boy: The other kids are stupid! They only want to play knights - so boring! I told them I want to be a wizard, but they said they don't play with dumb wizards. Magic is way cooler than knights if you ask me.
>> That's right! Show me a magic trick? -> (2051)
>> Don't be a wizard, kid. I hate wizards. -> (2054)
>> Okay. Well, good luck kid! -> (0)
> (2054) Magician Boy: No, you're stupid! Go away!
>> Leave. -> (0)
> (2050) Magician Boy: Hello, sir! Want to see a magic trick?
>> Sure! -> (2051)
>> Why aren't you playing with the other kids? -> (2052)
>> Not right now, thanks. -> (0)