=======Mecklenburn, the Jeweler=======
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^ Mecklenburn, the Jeweler ^^
| {{:npc:1505.webp}} ||
| Level|1 |
| Aggresive|False |
^ Spawn Locations ^^
| {{url>https://cursebreaker-map.online/wiki.html?npc=1505#-1/738/2334}} ||
^ Area ^ Spawns ^
|[[area:amariens_foothills|Amarien's Foothills]]|1|
> (5070) Mecklenburn the Jeweler: I'm a man on a very important mission, though it may not seem like it yet. Somebody must bring culture and civilization into these mountains, might as well be me.
>> Wouldn't mind a look at your wares. -> (5071)
>> Truly, how's that going for you? -> (5072)
>> Leave. -> (0)
> (5071) Mecklenburn the Jeweler: A man of culture, then? As it happens, I have some unique works of artisanship in store as we speak, have a look...
>> Opens [[store:mecklenburns_elegantly_cultural_jewelry|Mecklenburn's Elegantly Cultural Jewelry]] interface. -> (0)
> (5072) Mecklenburn the Jeweler: I admit, progress has been limited... Some within this town have been receptive to my message, but outside its walls it's a different story. I once tried conversing with a captive ogre. He, ah... seemed more interested in using my bones as flavoring for a stew.
>> I could have a look at your wares. -> (5071)
>> Good luck with that. -> (0)