This page has been automatically generated. [[dev:generation|More Info]]
^ Tavernkeeper ^^
| {{:npc:611.webp}} ||
| Level|1 |
| Aggresive|False |
^ Spawn Locations ^^
| {{url>https://cursebreaker-map.online/wiki.html?npc=611-1079#-1/571/499}} ||
^ Area ^ Spawns ^
|[[area:ashenside_fields|Ashenside Fields]]|2|
|[[area:fenwater_village|Fenwater Village]]|1|
|[[area:fogs_dwindling|Fog's Dwindling]]|1|
|[[area:harshwind_shore|Harshwind Shore]]|1|
|[[area:prowlers_thicket|Prowler's Thicket]]|1|
|[[area:thornhill_city|Thornhill City]]|2|
> (5111) Tommen the Tavernkeeper: You don't look like you're from around here, no offence of course. Not so many travelers come this way, come to think of it; our village isn't exactly on the way to anywhere.
>> What's on offer? Opens [[store:tavern|Tavern]] interface. -> (0)
>> What do you people eat around here? (74 coins) -> (5112)
>> Leave. -> (0)
> (5112) Tommen the Tavernkeeper: Mmm... snail bites, of course! Have you ever tried it - snail meat I mean? It's deliciously juicy and tender, and those snails grow to great size in our forests. Here, let me make you a roll...
>> -> (5113)
> (5113) Tommen the Tavernkeeper: *Tommen wraps a long slice of snail meat into a thick pastry and cooks it swiftly. Observing him, you're confident you could replicate his work on your own.*
>> -> (5114)
> (5114) Tommen the Tavernkeeper: Here you go, my friend! One mouth-watering snail roll for you. If you get hungry for more, you need only ask, alright?
>> Thanks. Unlocks Crafting Recipe for [[item:snail_roll|Snail Roll]]. Gives 1 [[item:snail_roll|Snail Roll]]. -> (0)