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^ Traveler ^^
| {{:npc:1371.webp}} ||
| Level|1 |
| Aggresive|False |
^ Spawn Locations ^^
| {{url>https://cursebreaker-map.online/wiki.html?npc=1371-1735#-1/195/750}} ||
^ Area ^ Spawns ^
|[[area:ratcliffe_village|Ratcliffe Village]]|1|
|[[area:silvermirror_fen|Silvermirror Fen]]|1|
> (725) Traveler: Oh, hello there, traveler.
>> Do you need any help around here? -> (726)
>> What exactly do you need me to do? -> (726)
>> I’ve collected the three haybales. Hope that’s enough. -> (728)
>> Sorry, I’m busy. -> (0)
> (726) Traveler: Well, my horse has been real stubborn today, and I’m trying to get him moving. If you could fetch three haybales for me, I’d appreciate it.
>> Sure thing, I’ll get them. -> (0)
>> Not right now. -> (0)
> (728) Traveler: Thanks, friend! Alright, let’s get moving, horsey!
>> Glad I could help. -> (0)
> (1525) Traveler: Ugh, these blasted mosquitoes! How do you manage to deal with them? They're driving me mad, and I can't even get to Fenwater!
>> I just fight them off. -> (1526)
>> I’ve killed the mosquitoes. -> (1530)
>> Remind me, what was the task again? -> (1526)
>> Is it safe from the mosquitoes now? -> (1531)
>> Goodbye. -> (0)
> (1526) Traveler: Fight them off? You make it sound easy! I can't take it anymore. Could you kill five of those pests for me? It would help me a lot.
>> Alright, I’ll take care of them. -> (0)
>> I’ve had enough of mosquitoes too. -> (0)
> (1530) Traveler: Thank you! Finally, I can get to Fenwater without getting eaten alive by mosquitoes.
>> You're welcome. -> (0)
> (1531) Traveler: No more mosquitoes, thanks to you! I can finally head to Fenwater in peace.
>> Glad to hear it. -> (0)