
This page has been automatically generated. More Info Item prices may be changed in future updates.

Item Profit Store Sell Price Buy Price Max Stock Restock Time
Copper PickaxeCopper Pickaxe2Ratcliffe pickaxe store2515
Haywind Mining Trainer4527
Thornhill Mining Trainer4527
Fishing RodFishing Rod5Haywind Fishing Trainer4527
Aurfield Fish Stall2213100:01:00
Thornhill Fishing Trainer4527
TorchTorch2Ratcliffe pickaxe store2515
Haywind Mining Trainer4527
Thornhill Mining Trainer4527
SaltSalt2Grainwater Grocery Store74
Haywind Cooking Trainer159
Thornhill Cooking Trainer159
ShovelShovel80Ratcliffe pickaxe store42
General Store51
Haywind Fishing Trainer21084
Thornhill Fishing Trainer21084
Book of SmithingBook of Smithing150Aaron Summervale3018200:05:00
Haywind Smithing Trainer450180200:30:00
Thornhill Smithing Trainer450180200:30:00
Book of MiningBook of Mining150Aaron Summervale3018200:05:00
Haywind Mining Trainer450180200:30:00
Thornhill Mining Trainer450180200:30:00
Mild Trueshot PotionMild Trueshot Potion13Haywind Archery Trainer12776200:10:00
Harshwind Hunting6337200:05:00
Thornhill Archery Trainer12776200:10:00
Robust Iron BandRobust Iron Band504Haywind Jewelry Store1240744
Festival Jewelry Vendor240144200:01:00
Stylish Iron BandStylish Iron Band504Haywind Jewelry Store1240744
Fenwater Jewelry Shop1240744
Festival Jewelry Vendor240144200:01:00
Graceful Iron BandGraceful Iron Band504Haywind Jewelry Store1240744
Fenwater Jewelry Shop1240744
Festival Jewelry Vendor240144300:10:00
Wooden ChairWooden Chair25Haywind Furniture Store5030
Fenwater Carpenter's Shop53100:05:00
Simo's Supplies53
Jewelry BoxJewelry Box5Haywind Furniture Store300180
Marcus the Fence175105
Wooden StoolWooden Stool19Haywind Furniture Store4024
Fenwater Carpenter's Shop53100:05:00
SawSaw54Haywind Crafting Trainer22590
Prowler's Thicket Woodcutting Supplies3621
Thornhill Crafting Trainer22590