Ogriman the Brave

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Ogriman the Brave
Spawn Locations


Area Spawns
Ice Wall Caverns2


(450) Ogriman the Brave: Hey! No one allowed to disturb our stupid king! That's what he tell Ogriman, so now Ogriman stop all from seeing him!1)
If your king is stupid, then perhaps you need a new king. → (451)
Hmm. → (0)
(451) Ogriman the Brave: Agh, human is right! Ogriman been thinking same thing, others been maybe thinking it too… Nasty wizard promised great rewards to our king, but there was no rewards. Then nasty wizard made our king fear him…
→ (452)
(452) Ogriman the Brave: Ogre King should fear no human, should fear nothing! If king is afraid, then is already a dead king! Ogriman is ogre who fears nothing! Hmm, maybe Ogriman should be king…
Yes! Then Ogriman can lead me to the wizard. → (453)
(453) Ogriman the Brave: Yes, perhaps… But before Ogriman can be king, he needs gifts of strength. Also he needs support of clan, human talks to Ogriman's brothers, tells them to support new king?
What gifts do you require? → (454)
(454) Ogriman the Brave: How about big, fancy weapon humans make, a… soooord? That would make Ogriman look really strong… Or maybe Ogriman doesn't need weapon to be strong? Maybe he needs a shaman's drink that makes him real strong even without any weapon!
I happen to be carrying just one such sword… → (467)
I happen to be carrying an adequate potion… → (467)
Where do I find your brothers? → (455)
I see. → (456)
(455) Ogriman the Brave: I don't know, they be around the cave somewhere! Ogrilad is crafty ogre, always crafting things, like stuff… from leather… And Ogrimate is wise and clever, he's the shaman.
What gifts do you require? → (454)
I see. → (456)
(456) Ogriman the Brave: Human brings Ogriman and brothers good tribute, then Ogriman becomes King! Ogres won't be ruled by wizard, and human can also move freely in ogre's cave. But coward king must die first!
Updates Ogre Diplomacy to phase 1. → (0)
(460) Ogriman the Brave: Before Ogriman can be king, he needs gifts of strength, and he needs support of clan. Will help human across ogre domain, deeper into cave, if human helps Ogriman…2)
Well, I bring gifts! → (461)
Leave. → (0)
(461) Ogriman the Brave: Gift of strength, to make Ogriman stronger?! Is it big fancy human weapon, or maybe powerful shaman's drink? Don't keep Ogriman waiting!*The burly ogre claps his hands together excitedly.*
I have a weapon for you. → (462)
Your fists will be fearsome after you drink this potion. → (462)
Nevermind. → (0)
(462) Ogriman the Brave: Hah! Human gives Ogriman real gift of strength, Ogriman will challenge the coward king! But Ogriman can't be king if other ogres don't agree… Human spoke to Ogriman's brothers? They support Ogriman's rule?
Yes, I've convinced them to back you. → (464)
I'm still working on it. → (463)
I'm still working on it. → (463)
I'm still working on it. → (463)
(464) Ogriman the Brave: Hah, good, good! Then Ogriman will let human pass. Go find our cowardly king, Ogriman will gather his brothers and follow. Soon, old king will be gone, new king will be fearless!
Excellent! Updates Ogre Diplomacy to phase 3. → (0)
(463) Ogriman the Brave: Human talks to Ogriman's brothers. Ogrilad is crafty ogre, always crafting things, like stuff… from leather… And Ogrimate is wise and clever, he's the shaman. Human will tell them, Ogriman will be new king!
Right. → (0)
(470) Ogriman the Brave: Human brought Ogriman real gift of strength, Ogriman will challenge the coward king! But first, human needs to talk to brothers Ogrimate and Ogrilad. Ogriman will need their support to be king also.3)
I've convinced them to back you. → (464)
Leave. → (0)
(500) Ogriman the Brave: Ogriman is the King! That don't mean others gonna listen to Ogriman maybe… but it still mean Ogriman is best ogre!4)
I have friends waiting outside the cave, can they have safe passage here? → (501)
Leave. → (0)
(501) Ogriman the Brave: Okay, Ogriman tell others not to make trouble. They better listen to their king, or they meet his fists!
→ (0)
Requires phase 1 of The Hunt for Azzar Kheyn
2) , 3)
Requires phase 1 of Ogre Diplomacy
Requires phase 5 of Ogre Diplomacy