Hydrobor Curios

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Hydrobor Curios
Commenthaywind magic store
Store TypeMagic Store
Currency Coins
Price Modifier1
Hydrobor Curios VendorHaywind Outskirts


Item Stock Sell Price Buy Price Restock Time
Spellscroll: WeaknessSpellscroll: Weakness50 30 00:00:00
Spellbook: Haywind TeleportSpellbook: Haywind Teleport1800 1080 00:00:00
Spellscroll: Haywind TeleportSpellscroll: Haywind Teleport75 45 00:00:00
Scroll of HomecomingScroll of Homecoming40 24 00:00:00
Novice Mage RobesNovice Mage Robes35 21 00:00:00
Spellbook: Quenna’s ReinvigorationSpellbook: Quenna’s Reinvigoration1200 720 00:00:00
Apprentice HatApprentice Hat25 15 00:00:00
Apprentice RobesApprentice Robes105 63 00:00:00
Wizard's HatWizard's Hat01000 600 00:00:00
Wizard's RobesWizard's Robes01040 624 00:00:00
Spruce ShieldSpruce Shield180 108 00:00:00
Spellbook: Pyre's ParalysisSpellbook: Pyre's Paralysis1800 1080 00:00:00