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Exceptional Gear

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Item Level Skill  Physical Damage  Ranged Damage  Magical Damage  Physical Resistance  Ranged Resistance  Magical Resistance  Physical Accuracy  Ranged Accuracy  Magical Accuracy  Health  Mana  Health Regeneration  Mana Regeneration  Critical  Movement Speed  Healing  Damage againts Critters  Damage againts Beasts  Damage againts Undead
Spruce BowSpruce Bow1 1.3 3.8
Fishing RodFishing Rod1
Copper DaggerCopper Dagger1 0.0 5.0
Spruce StaffSpruce Staff1 2.5 5.0
Copper BroadswordCopper Broadsword3 3.8 7.5
Copper WarhammerCopper Warhammer3 6.3
Spruce WandSpruce Wand3 15.0
Copper BattleaxeCopper Battleaxe4 6.3 15.0
Copper GreatswordCopper Greatsword5 6.3 18.8
Spruce CrossbowSpruce Crossbow6 3.8 15.0
Willow StaffWillow Staff10 3.8 50.0 6.3
Haywoods Sickle SwordHaywoods Sickle Sword10 6.3 25.0
Willow WandWillow Wand12 60.0 8.8
Oak BowOak Bow20 3.8 75.0
Iron DaggerIron Dagger20 2.5 100.0
Oak StaffOak Staff21 6.3 105.0
Iron BroadswordIron Broadsword23 11.3 57.5
Oak WandOak Wand23 115.0
Iron BattleaxeIron Battleaxe24 15.0 90.0
Iron GreatswordIron Greatsword25 15.0 93.8
Oak CrossbowOak Crossbow26 11.3 65.0
Iron WarhammerIron Warhammer26 21.3
Shoddy Bone BowShoddy Bone Bow36 7.5 135.0
Accursed BroadswordAccursed Broadsword37 17.5 92.5
Accursed GreatswordAccursed Greatsword40 21.3 150.0
Sinew CrossbowSinew Crossbow42 18.8 105.0
Bone StaffBone Staff48 10.0 240.0
Imbersteel BroadswordImbersteel Broadsword60 27.5 150.0
Highland BowHighland Bow61 11.3 228.8
Spellcypress WandSpellcypress Wand62 310.0
Spellcypress StaffSpellcypress Staff64 13.8 320.0
Imbersteel GreatswordImbersteel Greatsword65 31.3 243.8
Highland CrossbowHighland Crossbow66 28.8 165.0
Titanite BroadswordTitanite Broadsword80 35.0 200.0
Deadwood BowDeadwood Bow81 15.0 303.8
Deadwood WandDeadwood Wand82 410.0
Deadwood StaffDeadwood Staff84 17.5 420.0
Titanite GreatswordTitanite Greatsword85 40.0 318.8
Deadwood CrossbowDeadwood Crossbow86 36.3 215.0
Winterbark WandWinterbark Wand94 470.0
Crystalsteel BroadswordCrystalsteel Broadsword95 41.3 237.5
Winterbark BowWinterbark Bow95 17.5 356.3
Crystalsteel GreatswordCrystalsteel Greatsword96 45.0 360.0
Winterbark StaffWinterbark Staff96 18.8 480.0
Winterbark CrossbowWinterbark Crossbow97 41.3 242.5


Item Level Skill  Physical Damage  Ranged Damage  Magical Damage  Physical Resistance  Ranged Resistance  Magical Resistance  Physical Accuracy  Ranged Accuracy  Magical Accuracy  Health  Mana  Health Regeneration  Mana Regeneration  Critical  Movement Speed  Healing  Damage againts Critters  Damage againts Beasts  Damage againts Undead
Copper Round ShieldCopper Round Shield4 10.010.0-25.0 8.8
Spruce ShieldSpruce Shield8 6.36.318.8 15.0
Iron Round ShieldIron Round Shield24 25.025.0-25.0 33.8
Oak ShieldOak Shield28 16.316.348.8 35.0
Accursed Kite ShieldAccursed Kite Shield38 35.035.0-25.0 51.36.8 0.5
Mighty Highland ShieldMighty Highland Shield60 32.532.597.5 67.5
Imbersteel KiteshieldImbersteel Kiteshield60 52.552.5-25.0 78.8
Mighty Deadwood ShieldMighty Deadwood Shield80 42.542.5127.5 87.5
Titanplate KiteshieldTitanplate Kiteshield80 67.567.5-25.0 103.8
Mighty Winterbark ShieldMighty Winterbark Shield95 50.050.0150.0 102.5
Crystalsteel KiteshieldCrystalsteel Kiteshield95 78.878.8-25.0 122.5


Item Level Skill  Physical Damage  Ranged Damage  Magical Damage  Physical Resistance  Ranged Resistance  Magical Resistance  Physical Accuracy  Ranged Accuracy  Magical Accuracy  Health  Mana  Health Regeneration  Mana Regeneration  Critical  Movement Speed  Healing  Damage againts Critters  Damage againts Beasts  Damage againts Undead
Novice Mage RobesNovice Mage Robes2 3.8 8.825.0 0.8
Copper ArmorCopper Armor8 18.818.8-37.5 22.5
Sheepskin ArmorSheepskin Armor8 6.36.318.8 15.0
Apprentice RobesApprentice Robes8 7.5 12.547.5 1.4
Copper Plate ArmorCopper Plate Armor15 30.030.0-37.5 35.0
Reinforced Leather ArmorReinforced Leather Armor15 22.5
Wizard's RobesWizard's Robes15 13.8 16.373.8 2.2
Goblin Warrior's ArmorGoblin Warrior's Armor20 7.414.736.8 37.8
Goblin Skirmisher's ArmorGoblin Skirmisher's Armor20 36.8 52.5 25.2
Robes of Dimensional MagicRobes of Dimensional Magic22 18.8 21.3100.0 3.0
Iron ArmorIron Armor28 48.848.8-37.5 60.0
Trollskin ArmorTrollskin Armor28 16.316.348.8 35.0
Spellslinger's RobesSpellslinger's Robes28 22.5 25.0122.5 3.7
Iron Plate ArmorIron Plate Armor35 60.060.0-37.5 72.5
Studded Trollskin ArmorStudded Trollskin Armor35 42.5
Battlemage's RobesBattlemage's Robes35 28.8 28.8148.8 4.4
Noble Iron Plate ArmorNoble Iron Plate Armor36 61.361.3-37.5 25.075.0 2.5
Accursed Plate ArmorAccursed Plate Armor40 67.567.5-37.5 82.512.6
Ghoulhide WrapsGhoulhide Wraps44 23.823.872.5 51.3
Wraith's RobesWraith's Robes44 35.0 35.0182.5 5.4
Platearmor of a Dreamguard ChampionPlatearmor of a Dreamguard Champion50 82.582.5-37.5 101.3 5.0
Beastleather ArmorBeastleather Armor62 32.532.5100.0 68.8
Highland Hermit's RobesHighland Hermit's Robes62 48.8 46.3250.0 7.4
Imbersteel Plate ArmorImbersteel Plate Armor62 100.0100.0-37.5 123.8
Barbarian Leather ArmorBarbarian Leather Armor82 42.542.5130.0 88.8
Mountain Shaman's RobesMountain Shaman's Robes82 63.8 58.8325.0 9.7
Barbarian's Titanplate ArmorBarbarian's Titanplate Armor82 130.0130.0-37.5 161.3
Wyrmskin ArmorWyrmskin Armor96 50.050.0151.3 102.5
Frosthardened SpellrobesFrosthardened Spellrobes96 73.8 67.5377.5 11.2
Crystalsteel Plate ArmorCrystalsteel Plate Armor96 151.3151.3-37.5 187.5
Amarien's BattlearmorAmarien's Battlearmor100 257.3257.3257.3 441.0441.0 29.4 0.9
Item Level Skill  Physical Damage  Ranged Damage  Magical Damage  Physical Resistance  Ranged Resistance  Magical Resistance  Physical Accuracy  Ranged Accuracy  Magical Accuracy  Health  Mana  Health Regeneration  Mana Regeneration  Critical  Movement Speed  Healing  Damage againts Critters  Damage againts Beasts  Damage againts Undead
Apprentice HatApprentice Hat1 2.5 2.513.8 0.6
Copper HelmetCopper Helmet1 7.57.5-25.0 8.8
Sheepskin HoodSheepskin Hood1 5.0
Copper Plate HelmetCopper Plate Helmet12 16.316.3-25.0 22.5
Reinforced Sheepskin HoodReinforced Sheepskin Hood12 12.5
Wizard's HatWizard's Hat12 7.5 6.335.0 1.2
Iron HelmetIron Helmet20 22.522.5-25.0 32.5
Trollskin HelmTrollskin Helm20 7.57.527.5 17.5
Spellslinger's HoodSpellslinger's Hood20 12.5 10.050.0 1.7
Iron Plate HelmetIron Plate Helmet32 31.331.3-25.0 47.5
Studded Trollskin HelmStudded Trollskin Helm32 25.0
Battlemage's HoodBattlemage's Hood32 17.5 13.872.5 2.3
Accursed Plate HelmetAccursed Plate Helmet38 35.035.0-25.0 55.0 1.1
Ghoulhide HoodGhoulhide Hood40 12.512.547.5 30.0
Wraith's HoodWraith's Hood42 22.5 17.591.3 2.9
Platehelm of a Dreamguard ChampionPlatehelm of a Dreamguard Champion50 45.045.0-25.0 70.0 10.0
Beastleather CapBeastleather Cap60 17.517.567.5 42.5
Highland Hermit's HoodHighland Hermit's Hood60 32.5 25.0125.0 3.9
Imbersteel Plate HelmetImbersteel Plate Helmet60 52.552.5-25.0 82.5
Barbarian Leather HelmetBarbarian Leather Helmet80 22.522.587.5 55.0
Mountain Shaman's HoodMountain Shaman's Hood80 42.5 32.5162.5 5.0
Barbarian Great HelmBarbarian Great Helm80 67.567.5-25.0 107.5
Wyrmskin HeadgearWyrmskin Headgear95 26.326.3102.5 63.8
Frosthardened SpellhoodFrosthardened Spellhood95 50.0 37.5190.0 5.8
Crystalsteel Plate HelmetCrystalsteel Plate Helmet95 78.878.8-25.0 126.3
Amarien's BattlehelmAmarien's Battlehelm100 183.8183.8183.8 315.0315.0 21.0 0.7



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