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Foreman Woadbraith

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Foreman Woadbraith
Wandering Distance4
Spawn Locations


Area Spawns
Prowler's Thicket1


(80) Foreman Woadbraith: What now?! Who are you and what d'you want?! Can't you tell I'm a busy man?!1)
Not really, can't see anything going on here in fact. → (81)
I'll leave you to it then. → (0)
(81) Foreman Woadbraith: That's obviously because we have a crisis on our hands! The whole operation's halted! Just the other night a massive log appeared along the path to our Wildsfir clearing - we can't bring our carts through!
→ (82)
(82) Foreman Woadbraith: But hold on… you could go down there and remove it for us. The log's way too big so you'd have to chop it down to pieces I reckon. I can spare a few coins for the job, how about it?
Why can't your men just tow it away? → (83)
What's Wildsfir? → (85)
Sure, I could do it. → (86)
I'm too busy right now. → (0)
(83) Foreman Woadbraith: Well, ahem… isn't it obvious? It's a very big log and it's a very tough job, yes… need a man who's extremely skilled with a hatchet… and maybe a weapon…
Um, what? → (84)
What's Wildsfir? → (85)
Sure, I could do it. → (86)
I'm too busy right now. → (0)
(85) Foreman Woadbraith: What is Wildsfir, he asks… only the lifeblood of these rugged, northern forests! It's wooden gold! Grows only in these harsh woodlands, and rarely as more than lone stragglers, but we have a whole clearing full of 'em. Only we can't very well access it right now, so will you help?
And why can't your men clear the way? → (83)
Sure, I could do it. → (86)
I'm too busy right now. → (0)
(86) Foreman Woadbraith: That's my man! Now, the log blocking the path is just southwest of here, past the little bridge that leads over the stream. It's a tough one, so any old axe just won't do. Could buy a nice one with a Wildsfir handle off our vendors, unless you're already packing one of those fancy iron ones…
Alright then. Updates Logging Issues to phase 1. → (0)
(84) Foreman Woadbraith: What, what? Look it's a simple job, either take it or don't!
What's Wildsfir? → (85)
Sure, I could do it. → (86)
I'm too busy right now. → (0)
(90) Foreman Woadbraith: Well what? Is the path clear yet? I need to get this mill back up and running.2)
It's clear, and oh yeah - I was ambushed by forest trolls! → (95)
Sorry I forgot, what was you issue again? → (91)
Leave. → (0)
(95) Foreman Woadbraith: Yeah, they tend to do that. But you handled them alright, didn't you? Knew you had it in you!
Could have given me the heads up. → (96)
I expect there's some hazard pay for this. → (97)
(91) Foreman Woadbraith: What do you mean you 'forgot'?! There's a giant log blocking the path to our Wildsfir grove, just to the southwest, across the bridge over the stream! You agreed to get rid of it!
→ (92)
(96) Foreman Woadbraith: Erm… yes, perhaps, but then I wasn't sure if it was a troll trick or just an innocent log! Besides, didn't want to scare you away from the job.
I expect there's some hazard pay for this. → (97)
(97) Foreman Woadbraith: Of course, and listen! You're free to use our mill here too. I got some special supplies I carefully share between my best workers, just so you know.
Tell me about the sawmill. → (98)
Fair enough. Completes Logging Issues quest. → (0)
(92) Foreman Woadbraith: It's a tough one too, so any old axe just won't do. Could buy a nice one with a Wildsfir handle off our vendors, unless you're already packing one of those fancy iron ones…
Why can't your men remove the log? → (93)
What's Wildsfir? → (94)
Right. → (0)
(98) Foreman Woadbraith: It's simply ingenius! Wildsfir is a particularly tough wood, so we're using the machinery here to quickly turn its logs into planks. First step, of course, is to gather Wildsfir itself - down the path where you fought the trolls.
→ (99)
Fair enough. Completes Logging Issues quest. → (0)
(93) Foreman Woadbraith: Well, ahem… isn't it obvious? It's a very big log and it's a very tough job, yes… need a man who's extremely skilled with a hatchet… and maybe a weapon…
What's Wildsfir? → (94)
Right. → (0)
(94) Foreman Woadbraith: What is Wildsfir, he asks… only the lifeblood of these rugged, northern forests! It's wooden gold! Grows only in these harsh woodlands, and rarely as more than lone stragglers, but we have a whole clearing full of 'em. Only we can't very well access it right now!
Why can't your men remove the log? → (93)
Right. → (0)
(99) Foreman Woadbraith: You'll be able to load up logs into the machine here, but you might also meet Tom along the way. He's our muscular cart guy; any logs you load up on his cart will end up here at the machine also.
→ (100)
Fair enough. Completes Logging Issues quest. → (0)
(100) Foreman Woadbraith: Whenever the machine's stopped, just pull the lever to get it going again. You can also pull the lever to prompt the machine run faster, just not too fast or the blade overheats and breaks - make sure the previous log has always made its way onto the planks pile.
→ (101)
Fair enough. Completes Logging Issues quest. → (0)
(101) Foreman Woadbraith: Last step is simply to load up the planks onto our cart here, that's all there is to it really. Efficiency is key, I like to see efficiency in my workers, *chuckles*!
Fair enough. Completes Logging Issues quest. → (0)
(110) Foreman Woadbraith: I hope you're here to keep the mill running, every moment it's not making planks is a moment wasted!3)
Why don't you show me what you have in store? Opens Thornbark Sawmill interface. → (0)
Tell me about the sawmill. → (111)
These strange ambers within the logs - what're they for? → (115)
Leave. → (0)
(111) Foreman Woadbraith: It's simply ingenius! Wildsfir is a particularly tough wood, so we're using the machinery here to quickly turn its logs into planks. First step, of course, is to gather Wildsfir itself - down the path where you fought the trolls.
→ (112)
Nevermind, show me what you have in store. Opens Thornbark Sawmill interface. → (0)
I've heard enough. → (0)
(115) Foreman Woadbraith: Oh yeah, them. They form inside the trees, find them from time to time when splitting the logs here. Not sure if they're any useful really, at least we don't have any use for them.
→ (116)
(112) Foreman Woadbraith: You'll be able to load up logs into the machine here, but you might also meet Tom along the way. He's our muscular cart guy; any logs you load up on his cart will end up here at the machine also.
→ (113)
Nevermind, show me what you have in store. Opens Thornbark Sawmill interface. → (0)
I've heard enough. → (0)
(116) Foreman Woadbraith: That cuckoo shaman, though, he's a different matter altogether. Lives in a solitary hut on the hills to the east. Craves for those gems, he does. I'm sure he'll trade you some of his trash for them if you're interested, hah!
Why don't you show me what you have in store? Opens Thornbark Sawmill interface. → (0)
Tell me about the sawmill. → (111)
Fair enough. → (0)
(113) Foreman Woadbraith: Whenever the machine's stopped, just pull the lever to get it going again. You can also pull the lever to prompt the machine run faster, just not too fast or the blade overheats and breaks - make sure the previous log has always made its way onto the planks pile.
→ (114)
Nevermind, show me what you have in store. Opens Thornbark Sawmill interface. → (0)
I've heard enough. → (0)
(114) Foreman Woadbraith: Last step is simply to load up the planks onto our cart here, that's all there is to it really. Efficiency is key, I like to see efficiency in my workers, *chuckles*!
Show me what you have in store. Opens Thornbark Sawmill interface. → (0)
Alright then. → (0)
Requires phase 0 of Logging Issues
Requires phase 1 of Logging Issues
Requires completion Logging Issues
npc/foreman_woadbraith.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/04 20:46 (external edit)

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