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Echoes of Suffering

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  1. Speak with the ghosts of Sallowstone Mine: Within the village of Ratcliffe I encountered an elderly miner named Arden, who’d become the only survivor of a mining accident. The Sallowstone Mine southeast of the village, where Arden had worked, had collapsed likely in the aftermath of a shockwave that shook the land when Gabrius’ magic raised me from beyond the grave.Something unusual’s happened to the dead workers of the Sallowstone Mine however. They have been unable to move onto life after death within the Dream, but instead have remained behind as ghosts, populating the collapsed mine.Arden asked me to confront the ghosts of his dead friends in an effort to appease them, but he warned me he himself had had to flee, as the ghosts had become confused and aggressive. I can see for myself once I reach the Sallowstone Mine.
  2. Return to prospector Arden in Ratcliffe: I ventured to the Sallowstone Mine and discovered the ghosts were indeed confused and hostile. I managed to engage some of them in conversation, but they quickly became aggravated and I could find no way to help them.I shall return to prospector Arden in Ratcliffe to let him know I at least tried.
  3. Speak with the Priest at the shrine north of Haywind City: The old prospector paid me some coin in thanks for braving the haunted mine. Though we had been unsuccessful, the old man wasn’t yet ready to give up on his ghostly friends.He asked me to seek out a real Priest of the Sleeping Souls; a member of an order that is well versed in matters of undeath.One such priest is rumored to have taken up duties at the old shrine just north of Haywind City.
  4. Bring the priest's note to Opticus Aluminar in Haywind: I spoke with the priest belonging to the Order of the Sleeping Souls. He seemed to have some insight into the undead menace down at Sallowstone Mine, and offered his aid.He promised to provide incantations to soothe the souls of the dead, helping them pass on into the Dream where they belong. However, he will need some sort of a vessel to carry the power of his prayers.He thus gave me a note detailing his needs and asked me to deliver it to the expert craftsman Opticus Aluminar down in Haywind City. His workshop is near the old quarry, far southwest in the city.
  5. Create the Priest's Lantern: I spoke with the craftsman Opticus Aluminar down in Haywind. Unfortunately his workship remains in poor condition after his altercation with the bandit Hubert, so he wasn’t up for the task of creating what the priest needs.He did, however, teach me the blueprints for what is required. Opticus plans for a lantern to store the priest’s blessings; its light carrying the power of his prayers.To begin with, I must gather the appropriate materials to craft the Priest’s Lantern. The frame ought to be fashioned out of Wildsfir (4 required), a tree that grows in Prowler’s Thicket southwest of Thornhill City.As the lantern’s core I’ll require a rare gem called Mystic’s Amber, which Opticus told me forms inside the trunks of Wildsfir. I might be able to acquire one by splitting Wildsfir Logs at the Thornbark Sawmill, within the woods of Prowler’s Thicket.Additionally I will require an iron ingot from which to fashion the lantern’s fittings. Iron may be obtained from a variety of places, however, Opticus gave me a tip about a cave somewhere along the road to Thornhill, where a miner is said to have struck multiple veins.Once I have obtained all the materials, I should find a crafting workbench to create the lantern (level 12 Crafting will be required).
  6. Bring the lantern you crafted to Brother Augustus, at the shrine north of Haywind: I used a crafting workbench to create the lantern the priest requested according to Opticus’ specifications. It is as of yet missing its key component – the blessings of a Priest of the Sleeping Souls.I should bring the lantern to Brother Augustus who remains at the shrine on the northern side of Haywind.
  7. Appease the ghosts of Sallowstone Mine: Bearing the lantern blessed by Brother Augustus of Haywind Shrine, I should be able to soothe the spirits of the restless dead. I ought to return to the Sallowstone Mine southeast of Ratcliffe village to face the ghosts of the dead miners.Somehow I must seek to appease the spirits, to encourage them to move on to the afterlife.
  8. Return to prospector Arden in Ratcliffe: Relying on the soothing powers of the priest’s lantern, one by one I managed to convince the ghosts of Sallowstone Mine to move on. As the last of them gave in, however, something strange happened…She suddenly became possessed by a different ghost; one who wasn’t best pleased by my efforts to release undead spirits from her grip.Though this ghost didn’t say much that made any sense, I get the distinct feeling there’s something far more nefarious haunting these lands that was behind the ghosts of the dead miners.In any case, I should return to prospector Arden in Ratcliffe to let him know his friends are finally resting in peace.
  9. Quest complete!: It seems something far more nefarious may haunt these lands beyond the ghosts of a few dead miners.


Something far more nefarious haunts these lands, beyond the ghosts of a few miners.


quest/echoes_of_suffering.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/04 20:46 by

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